At the heart of Wesley Mission is a beautifully diverse, welcoming and embracing family of faith. Together with Wesley Mission’s community services, we are continuing the work of Jesus Christ in Word and deed.
Welcome to
Wesley Mission’s
of Faith.

An Introduction to Wesley Mission
Jesus has launched a movement to transform the world as it is, into the world as it should be. And he wants all of us to take our part in that movement.
That’s why, together as Wesley Mission, we’re doing all the good we can. Inspired and empowered by God’s Spirit, we’re learning from Jesus to love like Jesus. Because every life matters.
Watch this short introduction from CEO & Superintendent Minister Rev. Stu Cameron.
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Wesley Mission is here to serve our community through Word and deed.
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CEO Stu Cameron’s
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If you want to make a difference in your community and world, you’ll enjoy Stu’s weekly ‘Soft hearts, sharp minds’ email, where he reflects on things that really matter.
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