Welcome to
Multi-Cultural, family-friendly, gospel-centred.
City Campus
Wesley Theatre | 10am Sundays
Ground Floor 220 Pitt St., Sydney
Ryde Campus
Excelsia College | 10am Sundays
69-71 Waterloo Rd, Macquarie Park
Everyone is welcome in our multi-cultural, family-friendly, gospel-centred community.
When you visit us, you will be welcomed into a family friendly, and gospel-centred community that reflects the diversity of our city. You’ll experience contemporary worship in a multi-generational setting. You’ll also be encouraged and inspired by a Bible-based message and encounter God’s transforming presence in our Spirit-led prayer time.
Your children and high schoolers will be welcomed into fun and safe programs that will help them to grow in faith and love. We also invite you to join our small groups that meet at other times to help you grow in your faith with others. Everyone is Welcome!
Watch this short introduction to Wesley International from Andy & Cory.
Connect with us.
Life is better together. Here’s some ways to make connections.
Join a Life Group
Join a life group and grow with others. You are invited to connect and grow in a small group that meets regularly to encourage each other in faith and life. Our life groups come in all shapes and sizes, meeting in-person or online.
We would love to help you find a group that is just right for you.
Who is DIGJC Youth for?
Years 7–12 in high school.
What do we do at DIGJC?
A program that includes Games, Worship, Bible teaching and Life Groups.
Vision statement: Our name is our vision! Our goal is to help high-school students become Disciples Impacting this Generation for Jesus Christ. Our goal is to see our students’ lives transformed by the life of Jesus, and for His life to impact their friends, families, and community through them!
When does DIGJC meet?
Friday nights: 6:30-9pm, Ryde Wesley Uniting Church (25 Church St, Ryde) and Wesley Mission City (Ground floor).
Sunday mornings @ WIC: Worship with main service at 10am – Ryde & City. Fellowship & Bible Study during the sermon: 10:30-11:30am.
Young Adults (YAM)
Our Young Adults Ministry (YAM) is devoted to transformation through preparing and growing lifelong disciple-making disciples of Jesus, as they transition from high-school into adulthood.
When does YAM meet?
YAM meets at 6:30pm on Wednesday nights (the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays of the month). We meet at alternating locations every week:
1. City: Wesley Centre, Lyceum (Level G)
2. Ryde: Ryde Church (25 Church St, Ryde)
Keep up to date with calendar details of when we meet & where we meet on our Instagram
Who is YAM for?
18–25 years old – Uni students to young adults transitioning into the workforce.
What do we do at YAM?
Fellowship, Worship, Bible teaching/Bible studies, Life groups.
Helpful links.
Information and resources that make life easier.
Latest news & events.
Upcoming events and featured articles from our Wesley Mission community.
Meet our team.
We have an amazing team of Pastors and staff. Come and say hi at one of our weekly gatherings.
Say hello to our interns.
Be Strong and Courageous Resources
We look forward to celebrate this new season together. Join us as we embark on this incredible journey!
We encourage you to join us to fast during the period of Lent (40 days leading to Easter Sunday). Let us reflect on Jesus’ path to the cross and consider His sacrifice, life, death, and resurrection. Click here for fasting booklet.
Plan your visit.
Here’s everything you’ll need to know.
Wesley Theatre
220 Pitt St., Sydney
Walking through our main entrance on Pitt Street, you will find our many worship communities that meet on Lower Ground (Wesley Theatre, Smith Room) and Ground Floor (Wesley Church, Lyceum).
For an overview of key transport routes, please visit Transport NSW website to plan a trip using public transport.
Access parking here:
Secure Parking, 137 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Parking on Sundays is a flat rate of $15.00.
To enter and exit the parking area, you will need to tap your credit card at the boom gate terminal. Secure Parking does not accept cash payments.
By car
Wesley Theatre is located in Pitt Street in the heart of Sydney CBD. Basement parking is available.
By train
Wesley Centre is just a 5 min walk from Town Hall Station and St James Station.
By bus
Short walk from Queen Victoria Building bus interchange.
Excelsia College
69-71 Waterloo Rd,
Macquarie Park NSW 2113
For an overview of key transport routes, please visit Transport NSW website to plan a trip using public transport.
By car
Free parking on site, enter via Waterloo Road.
By train
Excelsia is a short walk from Macquarie Park Metro Station.
Wesley International City
Looking for video resources from our Wesley International City Congregation?
You can find them on our Youtube Channel here.
Wesley International Ryde
Looking for video resources from our Wesley International Ryde Congregation?
You can find them on our Youtube Channel here.
Give to Wesley International.
If you would like to support the Christian ministry work of Wesley International, you can give a one-time gift in the amount you specify, or automate a regular amount to help us plan boldly for the future.
Giving via this page is a non-tax deductible gift to Wesley Mission’s congregational ministries.
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Sign up for
CEO Stu Cameron’s
weekly newsletter.
If you want to make a difference in your community and world, you’ll enjoy Stu’s weekly ‘Soft hearts, sharp minds’ email, where he reflects on things that really matter.
We promise to inspire, not spam.