Wesley International
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Resources to help you develop a deeper relationship with God.
WIC 2024 Vision Pack
Find out more about the WIC Ministry Theme for the year. The theme pack details the teaching plan, key dates and areas of focus for the current year.
Bible Study Resources
The following studies highlight six stories where people encountered Jesus and discovered how important repentance is in radically refreshing our relationship with God and with others.
These studies focus on six qualities of the early church that led to a refreshing impact on the Christian community and those around them.
Christian Basics Program
“Christian Basics” is a one-on-one discipleship program designed for new believers in Jesus. As the name suggests, the program covers the basics, or key beliefs of the Christian faith and is grounded in the Bible. People who participate in this program, agree to meet for six, 1.5 hour sessions, to explore the key Christian beliefs and discipleship principles.
SHAPE Series
While every Christian is gifted to serve, many are unaware of their gifts and or how they can be used to help grow God’s kingdom. This series aims to help you discover and more fully understand how God has shaped you.
Fasting Booklet
As you personally engage with this fast, be prepared that it will not be easy; but be expectant that God will do powerful things in your life and in our congregation.
Compassionate Conversations Course
How to have conversations that help people feel Christ’s love and compassion with this training recently conducted by Reverend Dr Rick Dacey and Pastor Jeane Finnegan.
WIC Stance on the Holy Spirit
The intention of these recordings will help clarify our theological perspective on the Holy Spirit and His vital role in the life of every believer, in the life of the Church and in the Kingdom of God.
Latest news & events.
Upcoming events and featured articles from our Wesley Mission community.
Give to Wesley International.
If you would like to support the Christian ministry work of Wesley International, you can give a one-time gift in the amount you specify, or automate a regular amount to help us plan boldly for the future.
Giving via this page is a non-tax deductible gift to Wesley Mission’s congregational ministries.
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